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And last on my list, known as Tulsa's "Black Wall Street," the district of Greenwood was a self-reliant and highly affluent Black community in the early 1900s. Oklahoma was seen as a sort of safe haven for Black Americans looking for work, and after the Civil War, over 50 black townships were founded throughout the state. The community operated as a self-reliant area, and Black business owners would often pool together their resources to uplift others who wanted to start their own companies. But during a period of horrific racial violence, members of the Ku Klux Klan attacked Greenwood. This harrowing act of violence is what is now known as the Tulsa Massacre of 1921.
Here’s the thing, the U.S. has a long way to go to repair the education system to represent African American history, but just because our African American history has been underrepresented and inaccurately portrayed for so many years, does not mean it has to continue to be. Do your homework (yes even as an adult), and educate yourself on what you missed.
~Denise Jones
Interested in learning more about African American history? Educate yourself by checking out the resources below!
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Please note that if you have elderly AAPI parents, grandparents, or other relatives and friends, they may need some help with awareness and protection. Communicate the potential dangers to them and accompany them on public outings if you can. If you are based in Oakland, you can request a chaperone here. Our hearts go out to all of the victims' families who have have been impacted by this kind of unwarranted anger and violence. Please stay safe and take care of one another!
Do you have any personal stories on racially-motivated violence against the AAPI community? Or do you have any additional resources to share? Reach out to us!
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