Inspiring The Preservation Of The Human Legacy.
The Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History partnered with GreatCo to bring a touch of “Hollywood magic” to their immersive dinner experience.
Experience: High Impact Fundraiser
Pillars: Consulting Partnerships, Production Services, Cultural Stewardship
The Challenge
Our charge was to inspire and catalyze a new generation of philanthropists to join the legacy in supporting the nation's, and world's, leading public learning institution.
The Solution
From crafting the theme & program messaging to building the environmental design to video content development, we built an experience that didn’t just tell potential donors about the deep history and significance of the new hall but brought them in to experience the potential themselves. We worked with our client and their partners to build, according to NMNH's Chief of Design Mike Lawrence, "the best produced, most inspiring and most delightful event old Hall 2 ever hosted in its 117 years.”
“That was an amazing event – the best special event I have ever seen anywhere, and head and shoulders above any I’ve attended in 33.1 years at NMNH.”
— Scott Wing, Curator of Fossil Plants, NMNH
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